Friday, September 18, 2009

Gruel, glorious gruel!!

The pups began the adventure of weaning today. The whole process will take a couple of weeks. But they were certainly "with the program" on their first taste of "non-mom" food.


  1. Thanks so much for letting me see these little pups grow, they are so cute and little Delmar' of course, is just the cutest, although that little "rapper" sure gets me with his cute little black mug. Is he going to a friend of yours? I love the colored bandanas under them too.I can't wait for the next post. "I"

  2. Amazing how fast they grow. They are cute, cute, cute. Are you still keeping up with them?
    Nine pups, nine different directions. Good Luck

  3. Oh my, they are sooo cute! You are doing such a great job. I wonder if our Dan feels special, I think you need a Charlotte next!

  4. Gorgeous! What a bunch of sweet, enjoyable creatures.
