Thursday, September 10, 2009

Drumroll, please........ "D" Names!!!!!

We're thrilled to present the names of the D litter! CCI provided them today. As always, these are tentative and subject to change until after the pups are turned in:

Red...........Black.....Female...DIAMOND III..!
Purple.........Black....Female....DELIGHT II..!
Neon Green...Yellow...Female...DOREEN III..!
Neon Pink.....Yellow...Female...DAYA..!
Brown..........Yellow...Male......DAN V..!
Light Pink.....Yellow...Female...DIONNE..!
Turquoise.....Yellow...Male......DELMAR III..!
Orange.........Yellow...Male.....DESMOND II..!

Daddies are Lawrence II and Lamont. Individual pictures with names to follow...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the "great" names!

